Why teaching your child mother tongue can facilitate academic excellence

Never Understimate the power of mother tongue

Parents are increasingly prioritizing teaching their children a second or even third language in today’s globalized world, frequently at the expense of their native tongue. The mother tongue should be the first

However, studies have shown that having a solid foundation in one’s mother tongue actually helps students achieve academic excellence in a number of ways. Based on personal experiences, we will examine in this essay the reasons why parents ought to think about teaching their kids their native tongue. 

First off, kids who are fluent in their mother tongue have an advantage when learning other languages. The more proficient a child is in their first language, the simpler it is for them to pick up a second language, despite the fact that this may seem counterintuitive. 

A neighbor’s daughter who was raised speaking Mandarin at home with her parents, despite the fact that they reside in the United States, is one real-life example of this.

She was able to pick up vocabulary and grammar rules easily when she first began learning English in school, and she even outperformed her peers in writing and reading comprehension. This, according to her parents, is because she already had a solid foundation in language acquisition from her mother tongue.

Secondly, studies have shown that kids who speak their mother tongue well generally do better in school. This is due to the fact that language serves as an organizing and interpreting mechanism in addition to a tool for communication. A child is better able to comprehend and analyze complex concepts and ideas when they can reason and think in their mother tongue.

Additionally, research has shown that bilingual or multilingual kids have better problem-solving abilities and cognitive flexibility, both of which are crucial for academic success.

So, educating a child in their mother tongue can have significant cultural and social advantages.

We know, language serves as both a tool for communication and a means of expressing one’s identity and cultural background. Children who learn and speak their mother tongue have stronger bonds with their family and community, as well as a sense of pride in their cultural heritage.

 Building self-esteem and confidence is beneficial for both academic success and general well-being. 

Despite the benefits of being bilingual or multilingual, it’s also crucial to keep in mind that kids shouldn’t be made to learn a language if doing so will put them through undue strain or anxiety. When it comes to language learning, parents should always put their child’s welfare and comfort level first.

In conclusion, giving a child the opportunity to learn their mother tongue can be a highly effective strategy for promoting academic excellence and fostering a sense of cultural pride and identity.

The advantages of mother tongue education are well worth the effort, despite potential difficulties and roadblocks along the way. Parents can help their children become successful in school and in other areas of their lives by prioritizing and encouraging their language learning.

They can also help to celebrate and preserve their children’s cultural heritage.

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